YO GOOF! http://youtu.be/WeoyTG9-OCU Want to opt in to the new Facebook timeline NOW!? Click here for info: http://mashable.com/2011/09/22/how-to-facebook-timeline/ 10 Things You Need To Know About The New Facebook: 1. The Ticker isn't actually revealing any new information. It is, though, showing users a lot of information they probably wouldn't have otherwise bothered to look for. 2. Every post you make on a public fan page will show up in all of your friends' Tickers. 3. Check a post's security level before commenting. There is a small icon under each item in your news feed. 4. Be extra mindful when commenting on a public post. All posts from fan pages are public. 5. Your own activity won't show up in your real-time Ticker. 6. The Timeline will be available in a few weeks, but you can enable it now by opting in as a developer. 7. Any post on the Timeline can be hidden from view, deleted from Facebook or changed to be viewable to just some of your friends. 8. With its new class of apps, Facebook is looking for "frictionless" experiences. This means that you'll see fewer dialog boxes asking if you'd like to publish a certain kind of activity to your newsfeed. Be careful! 9. Subscribers are people who sign up to receive your public posts in their news feed. If you've enabled this, anyone who adds you as a friend will automatically first become a subscriber. 10. When you defriend someone, they will still be subscribed to your public posts. If you want to defriend someone and prevent them from seeing what you post, you'll have to also block them. from an article by Mark W. Smith, Detroit Free Press Camera operator: Lindsey Koens written, directed & edited by Greg Benson music courtesy Adobe Soundbooth images: Creative Commons & Public Domain Wanna delete your Facebook account? Do it here: http://www.facebook.com/help/contact.php?show_form=delete_account More info on how to delete your Facebook account: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=16929680703